Thursday, 11 April 2013

she started from the bottom now she's Oprah

Last night was the second time that I had the opportunity of seeing Oprah Winfrey live.

My evening started at Moxie's for a spicy Caesar, avocado spring rolls and crab&scallop cakes (delish, btw)

We made it to our seats at the Scotiabank Place in Kanata just on time . As we found our seats (103 row R) , she was being introduced .

Oprah spoke for about an hour and a half or two hours about how she "started from the bottom" now she's here. (*Insert Drake's music video : )

As I recently saw Oprah speak live, own the 20th anniversary DVD collection, watched her show daily for years and follow her O Magazine I considered this evening a refresher. I was meant to be there, to remind me of everything I hard already learned.

The energy here was different from Lifeclass in Toronto last year. Perhaps it was because there was a blend of motivational speakers(Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Etc) or maybe it was the way the room was laid out. The room was dark with a light solely on Oprah. Last year,  the room was fully lit, everybody had their iPad's out and paper pads to take notes. Hustling and bustling for non-assigned seats created an energy in the Metro Center last year.

I was probably one of the few who took notes last night, well, written notes, I know everybody was taking mental notes with the head nods and "mmmhmmm"s.

Here is my Coles Notes version of what I was refreshed on last night...
(Writing in the dark = uber messy script.)

Why are you here?

"I am the master of my fate and the captain of my soul "

Take what you love, anything you love, do it in a way that you can serve. Your charge is to share.
NOBODY is here to have a purpose that only serves ourselves. 
Use your platform, your strengths for good, for others.

Believe in yourself and your purpose

You become whatever you believe. What do you really believe?
Your beliefs are the lenses through which you see the world.

Your energies

 For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

Negative and destructive thoughts are creating their own clouds around you.

Your energetic state creates what is around you.
When things aren't going well you should look to yourself.
Every action, thought and feeling is created by an intention.
 Intention ->  cause -> effect
You are an energy field.

Humans only have two emotions, where all remaining sentiments are derived:
Love & Fear

Love:                                                             Fear:
Compassion                                                  Jealousy
Honesty                                                         Anxiety
Friendship                                                     Oppression
Kindness                 ...ETC...

Open your heart space. Everyone can feel the intention.
   example: when somebody apologizes insincerely and you can feel it. and you don't want to react positively because you have the equal reaction feeling to their level of  intent

Life and Success

Failure is life at it's most poignant pushing us in a new direction
LUCK : preparation meeting the moment of opportunity.
 You should do all you can do, once you've done everything, you must release all     attachments. Let it go. Release it all. What is for me is for me. Repeat: Do it, do it the best you can, and let it go.

Our life speaks to us. It starts with a whisper(message), then a pebble(lesson) , then a brick(this is a problem), then a crash (crisis), ...then disaster. LISTEN to your life.

The life that you want awaits for you when you open your heart to love.

I will leave you with this, a poem of self love...

Poem Love after Love by Derek Walcott

The time will come
when, with elation
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror
and each will smile at the other's welcome,

and say, sit here. Eat.
You will love again the stranger who was your self.
Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart
to itself, to the stranger who has loved you

all your life, whom you ignored
for another, who knows you by heart.
Take down the love letters from the bookshelf,

the photographs, the desperate notes,
peel your own image from the mirror.
Sit. Feast on your life.
